The Society of Jesus
in Belize
Apathy and Indifference
Preparing to Pray
1. Take three deep breaths, allowing yourself to be fully present.
2. Speak to the Lord, telling him that you are dedicating the next fifteen minutes to be with Him.
3. Ask for the grace you desire:
I ask for God to disturb my heart, so that I can see – truly see – and not be indifferent to, the suffering in the world around me.
4. Consider the following points:
Pope Francis has often spoken of the “globalization of indifference.” We are no longer moved by the suffering of the world. We have grown too accustomed to it. But our indifference comes with a cost: we lose our humanity, just as the rich man does in today’s reading.
John the Baptist is one of the main characters in the Advent readings. He speaks in a way that disturbs people’s hearts and minds. You and I sometimes have “John the Baptist” moments in our own lives, when the reality of sin and the suffering it causes pierces through our apathy and indifference.
Luke 3:1-20 “Make ready the way of the Lord”
Review your prayer
Take a few minutes to reflect on and journal about the following:
The photo of young Alain Kurdi was one of the most tragic and powerful images of 2015. Like the voice of John the Baptist, it grabs us by the throat. Can you think of any "John the Baptist" moments from your life, moments when you encountered the suffering of the world and could not look away?
... or else write down any moments of consolation or desolation you encountered in your prayer.
Speak with the Lord, as one friend to another, about whatever came up in your prayer.
End with an Our Father or a Hail Mary.