The Society of Jesus
in Belize
Preparing to Pray
1. Take three deep breaths, allowing yourself to be fully present.
2. Speak to the Lord, telling him that you are dedicating the next fifteen minutes to be with Him.
3. Ask for the grace you desire:
I ask for the grace to know how God sees me.
4. Consider the following points:
When I choose sin – that is, when I choose selfishness over love – how does God feel? Does God react with wrath and anger? Does God want to punish me? Is God disappointed in me? We shift now to consider how God responds to our sin. As Christians we believe that if we want to know how God thinks, feels, and acts, we need to look first to Jesus, because we believe he is the fullness of God’s self-revelation to us. So, over the next few days, we want to spend some time with Jesus to look at how he responded to sin. We learn who we are by looking at God and seeing ourselves through God’s eyes.

Luke 15:11-32 “We must celebrate and rejoice, because your brother was dead and has come to life again!”
Review your prayer
Take a few minutes to reflect on and journal about the following:
The father had no reason to believe that his son was going to return. Describe how he felt the day he saw his son walking down the road to the house? Describe how the prodigal son felt in his father’s embrace? Describe an experience you have had of feeling forgiven either by God or by another person.
... or else write down any moments of consolation or desolation you encountered in your prayer.
Speak with the Lord, as one friend to another, about whatever came up in your prayer.
End with an Our Father or a Hail Mary.