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Learning who God is... again

Preparing to Pray

1.  Take three deep breaths, allowing yourself to be fully present.


2.  Speak to the Lord, telling him that you are dedicating the next fifteen minutes to be with Him.


3.  Ask for the grace you desire:

I ask to be open to God's self-revelation. I ask for the openness to experience God's self.

4.  Consider the following points:

This is perhaps King David's most well-known prayer. He imagines God as a shepherd. What are the images of God that most nurture me?

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Pslam 23

Review your prayer

Take a few minutes to reflect on and journal about the following:

What new image(s) of God would I like to have? At this point in my life, how would I like to relate to God? How would I like God to be?

... or else write down any moments of consolation or desolation you encountered in your prayer.

Speak with the Lord, as one friend to another, about whatever came up in your prayer.


End with an Our Father or a Hail Mary.

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