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The Courage to Act

Preparing to Pray

1.  Take three deep breaths, allowing yourself to be fully present.

2.  Speak to the Lord, telling him that you are dedicating the next fifteen minutes to be with Him.

3.  Ask for the grace you desire:

I ask God that I may feel intense sorrow and confusion for my own sins and for the presence of sin in the world.

4.  Consider the following points:

Very often we benefit from these structures of sin. Sometimes we benefit financially, sometimes we benefit socially, or sometimes our lives are just a little more convenient because of sin. Take, for example, plastic bags in grocery stores. We know that the plastic is building up in the environment to critical levels. Micro-plastics are in fish we eat and the water we drink. We know it is bad, but it is just too hard to stop. It is difficult to push against the tide. In other instances, we know that, if we stand up for what is right, people around us may reject us or try to punish us. This happens with kids on the playground and with adults in the workplace! Instead, we remain quiet and go with the flow. What do we do when the resistance to do the right thing feels so strong?

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Luke 4:16-30 “’The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor’...when the people in the synagogue heard this, they were all filled with fury.”

Use Ignatian Contemplation to go into the synagogue with Jesus. Perhaps after the scene ends, you might talk with Jesus a bit about how he felt speaking in front of the crowd.

Review your prayer

Take a few minutes to reflect on and journal about the following:

Can you think of moments when you stood up to do the right thing? What happened? Can you think of moments when you failed to stand up and do the right thing? What happened?

... or else write down any moments of consolation or desolation you encountered in your prayer.

Speak with the Lord, as one friend to another, about whatever came up in your prayer.

End with an Our Father or a Hail Mary.

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