The Society of Jesus
in Belize
The Wreckage of My Past
Preparing to Pray
1. Take three deep breaths, allowing yourself to be fully present.
2. Speak to the Lord, telling him that you are dedicating the next fifteen minutes to be with Him.
3. Ask for the grace you desire:
I ask God that I might feel intense sorrow for the damage done by my sins.
4. Consider the following points:
We often think that God punishes us for our sins, but God does not need to punish us: our sins carry their own consequences. When we sin, we hurt the people around us, we weaken important relationships in our lives, and we also hurt ourselves. Sometimes, like the Psalmist, we feel that we have gotten ourselves stuck in a deep pit and that our bones have been crushed! As St. Paul says, “The wages of sin are death.” Sometimes sin brings literal, physical death, but more often than not, sin brings spiritual death. What damage have I caused, to others or to myself, through my selfish and self-serving choices?
Psalm 51 “Thoroughly wash me from my guilt; and from my sin cleanse me. For I know my transgressions; my sin is always before me.”
As you consider your selfish and self-serving choices, pray the words of this psalm as though you wrote them.
Review your prayer
Take a few minutes to reflect on and journal about the following:
What damage have I caused, to others and to myself, through my selfish and self-serving choices? What cost have I had to pay, whether emotional, physical, or in terms of relationships, as a result of my sins?
... or else write down any moments of consolation or desolation you encountered in your prayer.
Speak with the Lord, as one friend to another, about whatever came up in your prayer.
End with an Our Father or a Hail Mary.